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Federal Fingerprinting and State CORI

Statewide Applicant Federal Fingerprint Idenitfication System

Information for the Statewide Applicant Federal Fingerprint Identification System may be located at the link listed below or with the "Quicklinks" to the lower left side of the Business/Finance webpage. Superintendent Myers informational letter is also enclosed. The state has contracted with MorphoTrust USA IdentoGo to administer the program. The nearest MorphoTrust site is located in Lincoln Plaza, 490 Lincoln Street (Unit #5) Worcester just down from Bob's Discount Furniture. Pre-registration through their website is strongly encouraged. Their toll free telephone number is 1-866-349-8130. The Millbury Public Schools' district and school identification numbers are listed on the letter. The district number is "01860000".

Federal Fingerprinting Information Form


Every school department employee needs to conduct a state CORI background check every three (3) years. The request form is below. You would need to submit that form with a copy of your license to the Supt.'s Executive Assistant. Current employees will be notified when the three year period has expired.

 CORI Request Form 3-19