Millbury Public Schools Roof Repair Project Owner's Project Manager RFS Solicitation
The Millbury Public Schools is soliciting Request for Services (RFS) for the Millbury Public Schools Roof Replacement Project Owner's Manager Services at three (3) locations in Millbury, MA. The project goal is to provide the project oversight of potential design, construction and repairs at roofs located at Millbury Jr./Sr. High School, Elmwood Street School and the Dorothy Manor School.
Complete RFS specifications (three files) are listed below. Please contact the Business Office at 508-865-9501 or email Richard Bedard at to be added to the requestor's list.
The RFS opening is Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 2:00PM. Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope, as specified in the bid specifications, at the Superintendent's Office, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA 01527. Note: The Superintendent's Office is on the second floor of a grey building behind the high school at 12 Martin Street.
There is no Pre-bid Conference scheduled. However, any questions should be directed to Richard Bedard at by Wednesday, October 17, 2024 by 4:00PM. Site visits may be arranged by contacting the school district for an appointment.
There are three files that comprise the full bid packet.
File No. 1 is the front end bid specifications
File No. 2 is the Standard Designer Application Form
File No. 3 are the Attachments