Millbury Public Schools Foods Room Renovation
The Millbury Public Schools is soliciting Invitations for Bids (IFB's) for the Millbury High School Foods Room Renovation Project at the Millbury Jr./Sr. High School, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA. The project goal is to provide a renovation to the high school's foods program academic room.
Complete IFB specifications (two files) are listed below. Please contact the Business Office at 508-865-9501 to be added to the requestor's list.
The IFB opening is Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 2:00PM for filed sub-bids and Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 2:00PM for general bids. Both should be submitted in a sealed envelope, as specified in the bid specifications, at the Superintendent's Office, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA 01527. Note: The Superintendent's Office is on the second floor of a grey building behind the high school at 12 Martin Street.
There is a Pre-bid Conference scheduled for Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 2:30PM at Millbury High School. Attendance is strongly encouraged. Please check in at the high school's main office.
Millbury High School Foods Room Renovation Project Technical Specs 2-23-23 - 1 of 2
Millbury High School Foods Room Renovation Project Blueprints 2-23-23 - 2 of 2
Enclosed below please find MHS Foods Room Renovation Addendum #1 issued 3-16-23. Please acknowledge the Addendum #1 in writing on your bid submittal.
MHS Foods Room Renovation Project Addendum No. 1
Enclosed below is the bid results and minutes from the 3-21-23 2:00PM subcontractors' bid opening:
MHS Foods Room Renovation Project Filed Sub Bids - Bid Results 3-21-23
Enclosed below please find MHS Foods Room Renovation Addendum #2 issued 3-27-23. Please acknowledge the Addendum #2 in writing on your bid submittal.
MHS Foods Room Renovation Project Addendum No. 2 3-27-23
Enclosed below is the bid results and minutes from the 4-4-23 2:00PM general contractors' bid opening:
MHS Foods Room Renovation Project - General Contractor Bid Results 4-4-23