Athletic Field Amenities Building Project
Athletic Amenities Building Project Re-Bid 5-27-20
The Millbury Public Schools is soliciting Invitation for Bids (IFB's) for Athletic Amenities Building Project Re-Bid. This project is located at Millbury Jr./Sr. High School, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA 01527.
The Legal Ad solicitation is listed below. The compete IFB specifications are are available at Weston Graphics Bids. See the full IFB packet for more details.
The IFB general contracdt bid opening is Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at 12:00PM at the Superintendent's Office, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA 01527.
Due to the COVID 19 school building closures please make sure your bid is delivered properly by calling the Superintendent's Office (508-865-9501) to verify receipt or by contacting Gale Associates or S3 Design. You may also hand deliver the bid on the day of the bid opening. The Superintendent's Office will be open at 9AM on the day of the bid opening. The Superintendent's Office also has a mail slot where you can submit bids.
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held online on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 12:00PM via the internet. Access is through Go To Meeting, access code no. 197-125-533 or by calling 312-757-3121.
Filed sub bids bid opening will be Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 12:00PM at the Superintendent's Office, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA 01527.
Information on in-person site visits will be given during the online meeting.
Please see Weston Graphics Bids, linked above, for complete details and any potential addendum.
Bid Solicitation:
MHS Athletic Amenities Building Project Solicitation Re-Bid
Filed Sub Bid Opening on June 10, 2020:
Bid Tabulation:
Athletic Field Amenities Building Filed Sub Bid REBID 6-10-20
Bid Opening on June 24, 2020:
Please find the Amenities Building IFB Solicitation Bid Tabulation below. We received nine (9) bids.
We opened the bids according to the new Attorney General's guidelines. It was video recorded and is posted on this website below and at the Weston Graphics website. The bid results are tabulated in the linked document.
Athletic Field Amenities Building General Bid Opening Tabulation 6-24-20
Athletic Amenities Building Project - Original Bid - BIDS REJECTED
The Millbury Public Schools is soliciting Invitation for Bids (IFB's) for Athletic Amenities Building Project. This project is located at Millbury Jr./Sr. High School, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA 01527.
The Legal Ad solicitation is listed below. The compete IFB specifications are are available at Weston Graphics Bids. See the full IFB packet for more details.
The IFB bid opening is Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 12:00PM at the Superintendent's Office, 12 Martin Street, Millbury, MA 01527.
Due to the COVID 19 school building closures please make sure your bid is delivered properly by calling the Superintendent's Office (508-865-9501) to verify receipt or by contacting Gale Associates or S3 Design. You may also hand deliver the bid on the day of the bid opening. The Superintendent's Office will be open at 9AM on the day of the bid opening.
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held online on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 12 p.m. via the internet. All those attending the Pre-Bid Meeting are instructed to:
Access the meeting by logging into GoToMeeting:
For voice please call: (571) 317-3112 and enter Access Code: 925-588-733
(if you use VOIP you will need to mute your microphone)
Information on in-person site visits will be given during the online meeting.
Please see Weston Graphics Bids, linked above, for complete details and any potential addendum.
Bid Solicitation:
Athletic Field Amenities Building Project Solicitation 3-18-20
Filed Sub Bid Opening on April 1, 2020:
Bid Tabulation:
Athletic Field Amenities Building Filed Sub Bid Opening 4-1-20
Bid Opening Video Recording:
Amenities Building Filed Sub Bid Opening 4-1-20
Bid Opening on April 15, 2020:
Please find the Amenities Building IFB Solicitation Bid Tabulation below. We received eight (8) bids.
We opened the bids according to the new Attorney General's guidelines. It was video recorded and is posted on this website below and at the Weston Graphics website. The bid results are tabulated in the linked document.
Amenities Building Bid Opening Bid Tabulation 4-15-20
Video Recording of the Bid Opening:
Athletic Amenities Building Bid Opening Video Recording 4-15-20