Superintendent's Office
Located in the rear of the Jr/Sr HS campus:
12 Martin St.
Millbury, MA 01527
P: 508-865-9501
F: 508-865-0888
Business Office
Located in the rear of the Jr/Sr HS campus:
12 Martin St.
Millbury, MA 01527
P: 508-865-9501
F: 508-865-0888
Special Education
Located in the Jr/Sr HS:
12 Martin St.
Millbury, MA 01527
P: 508-865-0875
F: 508-865-0886
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Located in the rear of the Jr/Sr HS campus:
12 Martin St.
Millbury, MA 01527
P: 508-865-9501
F: 508-865-0888
Technology Services
Located in the Jr/Sr HS:
12 Martin St.
Millbury, MA 01527
P: 508-865-5841